Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Monitoring RAC and ASM

RAC_ASM Monitoring:

As the application is taken into production, it grows and flourishes. That can be a big burden for the DBA if he is not proactively monitoring his database. There could be several causes for this growth: disk usage might go up, network bandwidth might bottleneck, transactions may start taking too long to commit, more users and more aggressive usage. This may be good for the business but the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) still need to be met. Proactive monitoring your Oracle RAC or even a typical single node Oracle database will keep you upwind of problems. However, that means you need to know which tools you should be using to do just that.

What are we monitoring?

The questions below can assist a DBA to optimize his routine administration tasks as well as help management make timely decisions.

1.      Are we meeting our SLA (Service Level Agreements)?

2.      Are the High Availability (HA) objectives being met?

3.      Are all instances sharing the load evenly?

4.      What is the interconnect load (latency/overhead)?

5.      CPU: Are Oracle processes getting enough resources?

6.      Memory: How is the memory for System Global Area (SGA) etc?


Questions similar to these, broken up to monitor at all levels (Application, Database, OS, and HW), help a DBA to monitor the RAC environment efficiently and effectively.


è At hardware level:

Disks, HBAs, NICs, cabling, backup devices etc. need to function properly. All these devices need to be configured properly.


è At OS level:

You need to monitor the CPU, Memory, Disk performance and Network traffic.

CPU (%idle time, etc.)

I/O (queue length)

Shared storage

network (both public and private network)

memory (paging, swapping, etc.)

logs (var/log/messages etc)


è At Database level:

You have to monitor all the cluster logs, event logs, asm logs and rdbms logs at your database level.

Cluster (ORA_CRS_HOME) and all related log files:

CRS alert log file

CRS logs: log/hostname/crsd

CSS logs: log/hostname/cssd

EVM logs: log/hostname/evmd & /log/hostname/evm/log

SRVM logs: log/hostname/client

OPMN logs: opmn/logs

Resource specific logs - /log/hostname/racg


Resource spec logs - /log/hostname/racg

SRVM logs- log/hostname/client


alert_SID.log : location: ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/log

Trace files:

bdump - background_dump_dest

cdump - core_dump_dest

udump - user_dump_dest

listener_<NODE>.log : ORACLE_HOME/network/log


è Application Level:


At Application level, we need to carefully sprinkle the monitoring code (for instance, if the application server were a Tomcat Server or JBoss, then you would be interested in all of the Catalina logs, java.util logs or log4J logging, etc). There are tools, which are more professional, like BIRT, which can be employed to monitor your application’s performance.

The Toolkit à

For the OS you will need the following tools:


TOP à Top Processes


PS à Status of the processes


IOSTAT à  I/O stats


VMSTAT à Virtual Memory stats


NETSTATà Network stats


IPCFG/IPCONFIG à Checking IP address locally on nodes


PING à Utility to ping across nodes


TRACERT à TRACERT is useful for troubleshooting large networks where several paths can be taken to arrive at the same point, or where many    intermediate systems (routers or bridges) are involved.


NSLOOKUP à Ping IP addresses using DNS to lookup the nodes



$  crs_stat -t


$ iostat -t 3

Here sda, sdb are the files for OS installation and swap. Sdc, sdd and sde are the files used for OCR, Votingdisk and Spfileasm respectively. Sdf and Sdg are the files we chose for oradata (where all of our Oracle data files are residing) and sdh is for the flashback recovery. You can clearly see that iowait is considerably low, which is a good thing--had it been higher you would be looking at an I/O bottleneck. On the disks (devices section) you can clearly see that our cluster is doing fine but the oradata disks are working hard (and rightly so!). That is why I explained earlier that I have optimized my test scenario on the DAS to have more advantage on the spindle speed, seek time and throughput. The oradata files are on a separate disk. After getting your disks and data all evenly spread out, you can use the –x parameter to get additional useful information, such as average request size, average wait time for requests and average service time for requests.

Let’s run it with –x parameter à


$ iostat –x

è  By checking the status of individual nodes and all the necessary applications, we can see that the VIP, GSD, Listener and the ONS daemons are alive.


$ srvctl status nodeapps -n vm01

$ srvctl status nodeapps -n vm02

è  Now checking the status of the ASM on both nodes...


$ srvctl status asm -n vm01

$ srvctl status asm -n vm02

è  What about the database status?


$ srvctl status database -d esxrac

è  What would be the status of the service that we created at the end of the database installation?


$ srvctl status service -d esxrac

è  Cluster Status


$ crsctl check crs

è  Querying the RAC


SQL> select instance_name, host_name, archiver, thread#, status from gv$instance;

è  Checking the SGA (System Global Area) on one of the nodes (Note: Both nodes have identical setup).


SQL> show sga

è  Getting a list of all our datafiles...


SQL> select file_name, bytes/1024/1024 from dba_data_files;

è  Getting the status of all the groups, type, membership (if any)...


SQL> select group#, type, member, is_recovery_dest_file from v$logfile order by group#;

è Querying the v$asm_diskgroup view..


select group_number,name,allocation_unit_size alloc_unit_size,state,type,total_mb,usable_file_mb from v$asm_diskgroup;

è Querying v$asm_disk for our volumes (remember the ones we created first on OS level with the asmlib) :


select name, path, header_status, total_mb free_mb, trunc(bytes_read/1024/1024) read_mb, trunc(bytes_written/1024/1024) write_mb from v$asm_disk;

è All files in one go:


select name from v$datafile union select name from v$controlfile union select name from v$tempfile union select member from v$logfile;

è Listing all the tablespaces...


select tablespace_name, file_name from dba_data_files union select tablespace_name, file_name from dba_temp_files;

è This script will give you information of the +ASM1 instance files:


select group_number, file_number, bytes/1024/1024/1024 GB, type, striped, modification_date from v$asm_file where TYPE != 'ARCHIVELOG';

More detailed information:


select group_number, file_number, compound_index, incarnation, block_size, bytes/1024/1024/1024 GB, type, striped, creation_date, modification_date from v$asm_file where TYPE != 'ARCHIVELOG';

è UNIX Basics for the DBA 


Basic UNIX Command :

The following is a list of commonly used Unix command:


PS  à  Show process

GREP  à Search files for text patterns

MAILX à Read or send mail

CAT à Join files or display them

CUT  à  Select columns for display

AWK  à  Pattern-matching language

DF  à  Show free disk space

è List available instances on a server:

$ ps -ef | grep smon

è List available listeners on a server:


$ ps -ef | grep listener | grep -v grep

è Find out file system usage for Oracle archive  destination:


$ df -k | grep oraarch

è List number of lines in the alert.log file:


$ cat alert.log | wc –l



A crontab file is comprised of six fields:






       Day of month



1 - 12

       Day of Week

0 - 6, with 0 = Sunday

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