Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Patching Steps using adop utility in Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2

Below are the detailed steps that are to be followed in the ADOP patching cycle: 

Check if the patch is applied or not to the system by following below steps:

How To Check If a Certain Patch Was Applied to Oracle E-Business Suite Instance (11i or R12) ? (Doc ID 443761.1)


In releases prior to 12.2, we used to query ad_bugs or ad_applied_patches to find out if a patch is applied or not.

In 12.2, this is no longer the right way to do it due to the implications of online patching.

For example, if you apply a patch in an online patching cycle and aborted the cycle before it is complete, the records inserted in the above two tables will not be updated or removed.

The following query helps in identifying the patches applied:

SELECT adop_session_id, bug_number, session_type, 

       DECODE(status,'N','Applied on other nodes',


                     'H','Failed (Hard)',

                     'F','Failed (Jobs Skipped)',

                     'S','Success (Jobs Skipped)',


                     'C','Clone Complete') status,

       applied_file_system_base, patch_file_system_base,

       node_name, start_date, end_date, 

       ROUND((end_date - start_date) * 24*60,2) exec_time,

       adpatch_options, autoconfig_status, driver_file_name

FROM ad_adop_session_patches


ORDER BY adop_session_id, start_date, end_date;

Session type column was restricted to the following values:

ADPATCH: Patches applied using the traditional adpatch tool. It is used right after installing 12.2 and before online patching is enabled by applying patch 13543062.

HOTPATCH: Patches applied in hotpatch mode (aka. no online patching cycle is involved). It should be used only when instructed by Oracle.

DOWNTIME: Patches applied when all application services are down. Only used when instructed by Oracle, such as when applying 12.2.6 RUP.

ONLINE: Patches applied in a normal online patching cycle. This is the recommended method.


If you want to find out which patch fixed a specific bug, you can use the following query:

SELECT b.bug_number, asp.adop_session_id, asp.bug_number patch#,

       asp.session_type, asp.applied_file_system_base,

       asp.node_name, asp.start_date, asp.end_date

FROM ad_bugs b, ad_patch_run_bugs prb, ad_patch_runs pr,

     ad_patch_drivers pd, ad_adop_session_patches asp

WHERE b.bug_id = prb.bug_id

  AND prb.patch_run_id = pr.patch_run_id

  AND pr.patch_driver_id = pd.patch_driver_id

  AND pr.patch_run_id = asp.patchrun_id

  AND prb.applied_flag = 'Y'

  AND b.bug_number = '&bug_num';


Need to run utlrp.sql as sysdba from db_node.

move the patch in PATCH_TOP.

unzip the patch as shown.

$ adop –status

$ adop phase=prepare

$ adop -status

$ adop phase=apply patches=<patch_no>

tail the logfile as shown in above SS.

$ adop -status

$ adop phase=finalize

$ adop -status

$ adop phase=cutover

$ adop –status


After cutover phase gets completed successfully do not forget to source the bash profile for new env file to be sourced as the fs gets changed after cutover from fs1 to fs2 or fs2 to fs1 as shown below.

$ adop phase=cleanup

$ adop -status


The fs_clone phase is not mandatory we run it so that for the next patching cycle the prepare phase may take less time.

$ adop phase=fs_clone

$ adop -status


The below is the adopmon command which gives detailed info about the patching cycle above.

We can use adopmon as soon as we start our patching cycle to monitor what the adop cycle does internally.

**************     ADOPMON     *********************

$ adopmon

Running script. Press Ctrl-C to quit.


Enter the APPS password:


Validating credentials...

Printing the log statements starting from sequence #947857


Timestamp           Node name           Message Type Message Text


2017/09/07 11:37:46 tstebd02            EVENT        No pending session exists.

2017/09/07 11:37:46 tstebd02            EVENT        Starting new adop session.

2017/09/07 11:37:49 tstebd02            EVENT        ADOP (C.Delta.7)

2017/09/07 11:37:49 tstebd02            EVENT        Session ID: 61

2017/09/07 11:37:49 tstebd02            EVENT        Node: tstebd02

2017/09/07 11:37:49 tstebd02            EVENT        Phase: prepare

2017/09/07 11:37:49 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/adop_20170907_113635.log

2017/09/07 11:37:53 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating configuration on node: [tstebd02].

2017/09/07 11:37:53 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 11:40:38 tstebd02            EVENT        Verifying data dictionary.

2017/09/07 11:41:26 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating system is ready to prepare.

2017/09/07 11:41:28 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 11:41:34 tstebd02            EVENT        Detecting configuration changes.

2017/09/07 11:41:36 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adConfigChanges.log

2017/09/07 11:41:41 tstebd02            EVENT        File system configuration changes were detected.

2017/09/07 11:41:41 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending cleanup actions.

2017/09/07 11:41:42 tstebd02            EVENT        No pending cleanup actions found.

2017/09/07 11:41:42 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating database is ready to prepare.

2017/09/07 11:41:42 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating report for key tablespaces.

2017/09/07 11:41:48 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowts.out

2017/09/07 11:41:48 tstebd02            EVENT        Starting Apps listener.

2017/09/07 11:41:51 tstebd02            EVENT        Submitting ADZDPATCH concurrent program.

2017/09/07 11:42:03 tstebd02            EVENT        Waiting for conflicting requests to complete.

2017/09/07 11:42:08 tstebd02            EVENT        adzdpatch concurrent program now running.

2017/09/07 11:42:08 tstebd02            EVENT        Saving database logs from previous session.

2017/09/07 11:42:10 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowlog_cleanup.out

2017/09/07 11:42:15 tstebd02            EVENT        Prepare System

2017/09/07 11:42:15 tstebd02            EVENT        Create Edition : V_20170907_1142

2017/09/07 11:55:07 tstebd02            EVENT        Synchronizng patch filesystem with run filesystem.

2017/09/07 11:55:10 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 12:09:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Running steps for CONFIG_CLONE.

2017/09/07 12:09:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Performing CONFIG_CLONE steps.

2017/09/07 12:09:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 12:45:01 tstebd02            EVENT        Prepare Table: APPLSYS.FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES

2017/09/07 12:45:11 tstebd02            EVENT        Prepare Table: APPLSYS.WF_RESOURCES

2017/09/07 12:45:12 tstebd02            EVENT        Prepare Table: IBY.IBY_BEPINFO

2017/09/07 12:45:17 tstebd02            EVENT        Running AutoConfig on patch edition file system.

2017/09/07 12:49:19 tstebd02            EVENT        Prepare Table: APPLSYS.ADOP_VALID_NODES

2017/09/07 12:49:19 tstebd02            WARNING      Table does not support Synchronization: ADOP_VALID_NODES

2017/09/07 12:50:19 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 12:50:25 tstebd02            EVENT        Synchronizing snapshots.

2017/09/07 12:52:16 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating editions report.

2017/09/07 12:52:21 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_20170907_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowed.out

2017/09/07 12:52:27 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating log report.

2017/09/07 12:52:29 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/prepare_2017097_113635/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowlog.out

2017/09/07 12:52:31 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping services on patch file system.

2017/09/07 12:52:31 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping admin server.

2017/09/07 12:52:54 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping node manager.

2017/09/07 12:53:09 tstebd02            EVENT        The prepare phase completed successfully.


2017/09/07 12:58:54 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating system setup.

2017/09/07 12:59:11 tstebd02            EVENT        Node registry is valid.

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            WARNING      ETCC: The following required database fixes have not been applied to node tstebd02:

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                      20766180

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                      23084142

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                      23220453

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                      23632545

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                      23645516

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                      24326444

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                      24385983

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                      24560906

2017/09/07 12:59:13 tstebd02            EVENT                    Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1 for instructions.

2017/09/07 12:59:14 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for existing adop sessions.

2017/09/07 12:59:16 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending hotpatch session.

2017/09/07 12:59:16 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending cleanup session.

2017/09/07 12:59:16 tstebd02            EVENT        Continuing with existing session [Session ID: 61].

2017/09/07 12:59:17 tstebd02            EVENT        ADOP (C.Delta.7)

2017/09/07 12:59:17 tstebd02            EVENT        Session ID: 61

2017/09/07 12:59:17 tstebd02            EVENT        Node: tstebd02

2017/09/07 12:59:17 tstebd02            EVENT        Phase: apply

2017/09/07 12:59:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/adop_20170907_125814.log

2017/09/07 12:59:27 tstebd02            EVENT        Applying patch 22297430.

2017/09/07 12:59:36 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/apply_20170907_125814/FARHCS1_tstebd02/22297430/log/u22297430.log

2017/09/07 13:06:46 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating post apply reports.

2017/09/07 13:06:47 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating log report.

2017/09/07 13:06:49 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/apply_20170907_125814/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowlog.out

2017/09/07 13:06:55 tstebd02            EVENT        The apply phase completed successfully.


2017/09/07 13:10:01 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating system setup.

2017/09/07 13:10:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Node registry is valid.

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            WARNING      ETCC: The following required database fixes have not been applied to node tstebd02:

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                      20766180

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                      23084142

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                      23220453

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                      23632545

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                      23645516

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                      24326444

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                      24385983

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                      24560906

2017/09/07 13:10:19 tstebd02            EVENT                    Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1 for instructions.

2017/09/07 13:10:20 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for existing adop sessions.

2017/09/07 13:10:22 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending hotpatch session.

2017/09/07 13:10:22 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending cleanup session.

2017/09/07 13:10:22 tstebd02            EVENT        Continuing with existing session [Session ID: 61].

2017/09/07 13:10:23 tstebd02            EVENT        ADOP (C.Delta.7)

2017/09/07 13:10:23 tstebd02            EVENT        Session ID: 61

2017/09/07 13:10:23 tstebd02            EVENT        Node: tstebd02

2017/09/07 13:10:23 tstebd02            EVENT        Phase: finalize

2017/09/07 13:10:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/adop_20170907_130920.log

2017/09/07 13:10:31 tstebd02            EVENT        Verifying data dictionary.

2017/09/07 13:12:16 tstebd02            EVENT        Running finalize phase database actions.

2017/09/07 13:12:16 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: @ADZDSHOWLOG.sql "2017/09/07 13:12:16"

2017/09/07 13:12:16 tstebd02            EVENT        Finalize System

2017/09/07 13:13:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Executing FINALIZE actions

2017/09/07 13:13:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Compiling invalid objects.

2017/09/07 13:13:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Compile Edition: V_20170907_1142

2017/09/07 13:14:38 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating log report.

2017/09/07 13:14:42 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/finalize_20170907_130920/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowlog.out

2017/09/07 13:14:46 tstebd02            EVENT        The finalize phase completed successfully.

2017/09/07 13:20:39 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating system setup.

2017/09/07 13:20:56 tstebd02            EVENT        Node registry is valid.

2017/09/07 13:20:58 tstebd02            WARNING      ETCC: The following required database fixes have not been applied to node tstebd02:

2017/09/07 13:20:58 tstebd02            EVENT                      20766180

2017/09/07 13:20:59 tstebd02            EVENT                      23084142

2017/09/07 13:20:59 tstebd02            EVENT                      23220453

2017/09/07 13:20:59 tstebd02            EVENT                      23632545

2017/09/07 13:20:59 tstebd02            EVENT                      23645516

2017/09/07 13:20:59 tstebd02            EVENT                      24326444

2017/09/07 13:20:59 tstebd02            EVENT                      24385983

2017/09/07 13:20:59 tstebd02            EVENT                      24560906

2017/09/07 13:20:59 tstebd02            EVENT                    Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1 for instructions.

2017/09/07 13:21:00 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for existing adop sessions.

2017/09/07 13:21:02 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending hotpatch session.

2017/09/07 13:21:05 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending cleanup session.

2017/09/07 13:21:05 tstebd02            EVENT        Continuing with existing session [Session ID: 61].

2017/09/07 13:21:06 tstebd02            EVENT        ADOP (C.Delta.7)

2017/09/07 13:21:06 tstebd02            EVENT        Session ID: 61

2017/09/07 13:21:06 tstebd02            EVENT        Node: tstebd02

2017/09/07 13:21:06 tstebd02            EVENT        Phase: cutover

2017/09/07 13:21:07 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/adop_20170907_131937.log

2017/09/07 13:21:11 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating configuration on node: [tstebd02].

2017/09/07 13:21:11 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/cutover_20170907_31937/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 13:22:25 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking if finalize required.

2017/09/07 13:22:26 tstebd02            EVENT        Finalize phase is not required

2017/09/07 13:22:30 tstebd02            EVENT        Submitting request for Internal Concurrent Manager shutdown.

2017/09/07 13:22:31 tstebd02            EVENT        Log file: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs1/inst/apps/FARHCS1_tstebd02/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt

2017/09/07 13:22:33 tstebd02            EVENT        Cancelling ADZDPATCH concurrent request

2017/09/07 13:22:33 tstebd02            EVENT        Waiting for Internal Concurrent Manager to go down.

2017/09/07 13:26:54 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping patch edition Admin Server.

2017/09/07 13:27:15 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping patch edition Node Manager.

2017/09/07 13:27:32 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping the application tier services on current node.

2017/09/07 13:27:32 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/cutover_20170907_131937/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 13:39:46 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping run edition Admin Server.

2017/09/07 13:40:05 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping run edition Node Manager.

2017/09/07 13:40:27 tstebd02            EVENT        Running stored cutover DDLs.

2017/09/07 13:40:32 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/cutover_20170907_131937/FARHCS1_tstebd02/log/cutover.log

2017/09/07 13:41:05 tstebd02            WARNING      [CUTOVER 8:6] There are still 6 failed jobs in CUTOVER phase

2017/09/07 13:41:05 tstebd02            WARNING      [CUTOVER 8:4] There are still 7 failed jobs in CUTOVER phase

2017/09/07 13:41:05 tstebd02            WARNING      [CUTOVER 8:8] There are still 5 failed jobs in CUTOVER phase

2017/09/07 13:41:05 tstebd02            WARNING      [CUTOVER 8:3] There are still 4 failed jobs in CUTOVER phase

2017/09/07 13:41:07 tstebd02            WARNING      [CUTOVER 8:5] There are still 3 failed jobs in CUTOVER phase

2017/09/07 13:41:07 tstebd02            WARNING      [CUTOVER 8:2] There are still 2 failed jobs in CUTOVER phase

2017/09/07 13:41:08 tstebd02            WARNING      [CUTOVER 8:7] There are still 1 failed jobs in CUTOVER phase

2017/09/07 13:41:22 tstebd02            EVENT        Reset jobs from R (running) to N (not executed) for phase CUTOVER

2017/09/07 13:41:39 tstebd02            EVENT        Loading JAR files into database.

2017/09/07 13:41:39 tstebd02            EVENT        No JAR files found to load

2017/09/07 13:41:39 tstebd02            EVENT        Performing database cutover.

2017/09/07 13:41:39 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: @ADZDSHOWLOG.sql "2017/09/07 13:41:39"

2017/09/07 13:41:39 tstebd02            EVENT        Executing FINALIZE actions (second pass)

2017/09/07 13:41:39 tstebd02            EVENT        Cutover System

2017/09/07 13:41:39 tstebd02            EVENT        Switching to Patch Edition

2017/09/07 13:41:39 tstebd02            EVENT        Killing old sessions

2017/09/07 13:41:46 tstebd02            EVENT        Flipping snapshots in run and patch editions.

2017/09/07 13:41:52 tstebd02            EVENT        Performing file system cutover.


Broadcast Message from root (pts/0) Thu Sep  7 13:45:07...

FARHCS1 environment has changed.

All users must re-source the environment.


2017/09/07 13:45:07 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking if file system cutover completed.

2017/09/07 13:45:07 tstebd02            EVENT        Compile Edition: V_20170907_1142, In a Loop

2017/09/07 13:45:07 tstebd02            EVENT        Starting run edition Admin Server.

2017/09/07 13:45:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Compile Edition: V_20170907_1142

2017/09/07 13:46:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Compile Edition: V_20170907_1142

2017/09/07 13:48:31 tstebd02            EVENT        Starting application tier services.

2017/09/07 13:54:36 tstebd02            EVENT        Waiting for middle tier services to start on all available nodes.

2017/09/07 13:54:40 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating post-cutover reports.

2017/09/07 13:54:40 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating log report.

2017/09/07 13:54:42 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/cutover_20170907_131937/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowlog.out


Broadcast Message from root (pts/0) Thu Sep  7 13:54:46...

FARHCS1 environment has changed.

All users must re-source the environment.


2017/09/07 13:54:46 tstebd02            EVENT        The cutover phase completed successfully.


2017/09/07 14:03:03 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating system setup.

2017/09/07 14:03:20 tstebd02            EVENT        Node registry is valid.

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            WARNING      ETCC: The following required database fixes have not been applied to node tstebd02:

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                      20766180

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                      23084142

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                      23220453

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                      23632545

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                      23645516

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                      24326444

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                      24385983

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                      24560906

2017/09/07 14:03:21 tstebd02            EVENT                    Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1 for instructions.

2017/09/07 14:03:22 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for existing adop sessions.

2017/09/07 14:03:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending hotpatch session.

2017/09/07 14:03:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending cleanup session.

2017/09/07 14:03:24 tstebd02            EVENT        ADOP (C.Delta.7)

2017/09/07 14:03:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Session ID: 61

2017/09/07 14:03:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Node: tstebd02

2017/09/07 14:03:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Phase: cleanup

2017/09/07 14:03:25 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/adop_20170907_140203.log

2017/09/07 14:03:31 tstebd02            EVENT        Processing cleanup actions in parallel.

2017/09/07 14:03:35 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/cleanup_20170907_140203/FARHCS1_tstebd02/log/cleanup.log

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            WARNING      [CLEANUP 8:6] There are still 1 failed jobs in CLEANUP phase

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            WARNING      [CLEANUP 8:7] There are still 1 failed jobs in CLEANUP phase

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            WARNING      [CLEANUP 8:5] There are still 2 failed jobs in CLEANUP phase

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            WARNING      [CLEANUP 8:8] There are still 2 failed jobs in CLEANUP phase

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            EVENT        Cleanup unused seed data editions: APPLSYS.ADOP_VALID_NODES

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            WARNING      [CLEANUP 8:4] There are still 3 failed jobs in CLEANUP phase

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            EVENT        Cleanup unused seed data editions: IBY.IBY_BEPINFO

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            EVENT        Cleanup unused seed data editions: APPLSYS.FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            EVENT        Cleanup unused seed data editions: APPLSYS.WF_RESOURCES

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            WARNING      [CLEANUP 8:3] There are still 2 failed jobs in CLEANUP phase

2017/09/07 14:03:53 tstebd02            WARNING      [CLEANUP 8:2] There are still 1 failed jobs in CLEANUP phase

2017/09/07 14:03:59 tstebd02            EVENT        Reset jobs from R (running) to N (not executed) for phase CLEANUP

2017/09/07 14:04:14 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating report of queued DDL actions.

2017/09/07 14:04:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/cleanup_20170907_140203/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdallddls.out

2017/09/07 14:04:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Running cleanup in STANDARD mode.

2017/09/07 14:04:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: @ADZDSHOWLOG.sql "2017/09/07 14:04:18"

2017/09/07 14:04:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Cleanup System

2017/09/07 14:04:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Drop Covered Objects

2017/09/07 14:04:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Report: @ADZDSHOWCOBJS

2017/09/07 14:06:29 tstebd02            EVENT        Drop covered objects, pass #1 complete, dropped: 10, errors: 0

2017/09/07 14:06:58 tstebd02            EVENT        Drop covered objects, pass #2 complete, dropped: 0, errors: 0

2017/09/07 14:06:58 tstebd02            EVENT        Cleanup crossedition triggers

2017/09/07 14:07:03 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating log report.

2017/09/07 14:07:05 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/61/cleanup_20170907_140203/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowlog.out

2017/09/07 14:07:07 tstebd02            EVENT        The cleanup phase completed successfully.


2017/09/07 14:34:05 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating system setup.

2017/09/07 14:34:22 tstebd02            EVENT        Node registry is valid.

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            WARNING      ETCC: The following required database fixes have not been applied to node tstebd02:

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                      20766180

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                      23084142

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                      23220453

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                      23632545

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                      23645516

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                      24326444

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                      24385983

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                      24560906

2017/09/07 14:34:23 tstebd02            EVENT                    Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1 for instructions.

2017/09/07 14:34:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for existing adop sessions.

2017/09/07 14:34:25 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending hotpatch session.

2017/09/07 14:34:25 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending cleanup session.

2017/09/07 14:34:25 tstebd02            EVENT        No pending session exists.

2017/09/07 14:34:25 tstebd02            EVENT        Starting new adop session.

2017/09/07 14:34:29 tstebd02            EVENT        ADOP (C.Delta.7)

2017/09/07 14:34:29 tstebd02            EVENT        Session ID: 62

2017/09/07 14:34:29 tstebd02            EVENT        Node: tstebd02

2017/09/07 14:34:29 tstebd02            EVENT        Phase: fs_clone

2017/09/07 14:34:29 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/62/adop_20170907_143315.log

2017/09/07 14:34:33 tstebd02            EVENT        Validating configuration on node: [tstebd02].

2017/09/07 14:34:33 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/62/fs_clone_20170907_143315/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 14:37:15 tstebd02            EVENT        Checking for pending cleanup actions.

2017/09/07 14:37:16 tstebd02            EVENT        No pending cleanup actions found.

2017/09/07 14:37:18 tstebd02            EVENT        Blocking managed server ports.

2017/09/07 14:37:28 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/62/fs_clone_20170907_143315/FARHCS1_tstebd02/txkCloneAcquirePort.log

2017/09/07 14:38:35 tstebd02            EVENT        Performing CLONE steps.

2017/09/07 14:38:35 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/62/fs_clone_20170907_143315/FARHCS1_tstebd02

2017/09/07 15:12:22 tstebd02.realcorpsolutions.netEVENT        alter logon trigger : DISABLE

2017/09/07 15:12:22                     EVENT        alter logon trigger : DISABLE

2017/09/07 16:16:50 tstebd02.realcorpsolutions.netEVENT        alter logon trigger : enable

2017/09/07 16:16:50                     EVENT        alter logon trigger : ENABLE

2017/09/07 16:19:33 tstebd02            EVENT        Releasing managed server ports.

2017/09/07 16:19:35 tstebd02            EVENT        Log: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/62/fs_clone_20170907_143315/FARHCS1_tstebd02/txkCloneAcquirePort.log

2017/09/07 16:19:35 tstebd02            EVENT        Synchronizing snapshots.

2017/09/07 16:21:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping services on patch file system.

2017/09/07 16:21:24 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping admin server.

2017/09/07 16:22:15 tstebd02            EVENT        Stopping node manager.

2017/09/07 16:22:25 tstebd02            EVENT        Generating log report.

2017/09/07 16:22:30 tstebd02            EVENT        Output: /appsebs/FARHCS1/apps/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/62/fs_clone_20170907_143315/FARHCS1_tstebd02/adzdshowlog.out

2017/09/07 16:22:30 tstebd02            EVENT        Thefs_clone phase completed successfully.


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Cancelling Concurrent Request From Backend